Zoning and development decisions matter to the shape of our community and the future of our city.
Atlanta’s Comprehensive Development Plan is named Plan A. The City of Atlanta is updating Plan A. This document is required to be updated every five years. Plan A creates the policy framework that informs zoning regulations.
Your valuable input into the current update will help the City of Atlanta write the vision for an Atlanta you want to live, work, and play in. Your input is invited on topics including affordable housing, transportation, zoning, growth, preservation, and others at any time during the planning process.
Please do not depend on the dedicated leaders of your neighborhood to navigate this alone. Join them!
Visit the event calendar for opportunities to engage in the process and have your opinions heard.
The CDP was last updated in 2021.
NPU-E takes an active role in the review and response to drafts of the Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP). During the last update, in late June 2021, we hosted two special public work sessions in July and August to review the intentions of Plan A Draft I and Draft II with City Planning and City Council Members. NPU-E finalized our response on August 26, 2021 and submitted it to City Council, City Planning, the Mayor’s Office, and shared it with all NPU Chairpersons.
Our response to the 2021 CDP update are linked below and includes two documents:
Response to 2021 CDP Plan A Draft II
main body of the document that addresses city-wide planning
appendix to the main body of the document that allows NPUs to highlight priorities important to their specific section of the city

Have questions? Email your NPU-E officers anytime.
General inquiries: admin@npueatlanta.org
Chairman: Courtney Smith chair@npueatlanta.org
Vice Chairman: Nabil Hammam vicechair@npueatlanta.org
Secretary: Penelope Cheroff secretary@npueatlanta.org
Download a directory of all NPU-E member neighborhood contacts.